#Hub for ChangeMakers  #incubation  #creative




Challenge the status quo

We focus on incubating and accelerating "Change makers" who is tackling the issues of our future life across multiple sectors including Agriculture & Food, Clear Water, Circular economy, Clean energy, Education and Smart Lifestyle.

** 6 projects on-going and 4 projects in the pipe line **

linden's "HUB" service

Looking for an exciting and creative partner?
We deliver the way to find and connect with them.
Our fellows really has capabilities to solve your issues, and care deeply about your vision and dream. You'll have a productive, powerful and challenging work with us anytime whenever you want. 
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We love changing a better world

We make a global community of creative and innovative challengers called "ChangeMakers" tackling social issues and local problems. And We offer to become a "DrivenMaker" for ChangeMakers.

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Now's the time to start moving!

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March 2, 2020
The effective meeting in Kigali between KIT and KOBE Startup Africa and Paul. Paul is an entrepreneur in Rwanda. Nice to meet you, Paul. And thank you so much spending time to meet them.
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